Bilston Creek Farm

Lavender Rose Petal Tea

$20.04 CAD
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• Size: 70 grams

• Contents: Organic Assam black tea, lavender buds, and rose petals

Soothe Your Senses with a cup of our rose Petal lavender tea

This black tea blend is made for My Hand In Yours using organic Assam tea leaves, hand-harvested lavender buds, and organic rose petals by Bilston Creek Farm. This blend uses only the best premium black tea leaves for a robust brew with a short steeping time.

Serve it hot or iced and enjoy the delicate flavors of lavender and rose at anytime of day.

Thank you Bilston Creek Farm for your continued support and exceptional products.

— Jamie

Jamie Lee Curtis signature used to promote Lavender Rose Hip Black Tea crafted by Bilston Creek Farm to support My Hand In Yours and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

• Size: 70 grams
• Ingredients: Organic Assam black tea, lavender buds, and rose petals
• NOTE: This product is made with premium black tea leaves and contains caffeine.

• Bring water to a boil and let cool 20 seconds.
• Add 1.5 teaspoons per cup of hot water.
• Leave tea to steep for 1-3 minutes.
• Strain and serve with milk or honey as desired.

• Bring 4 cups of water to a boil.
• Steep 2 tablespoons of tea for 7-9 minutes.
• Strain, chill and keep refrigerated up to one week.
• Optional: Serve over ice with a lemon wedge and sweeten with simple syrup or honey as desired.

To show our gratitude for your support, as a special "Thank You" with your purchase you will also receive a framable keepsake card with a note from Jamie and an inspirational quote written by her friend and mentor, Mark Nepo, in his best-selling book: “The Book of Awakening”.

100% of the money generated from the sale of this product is donated to support CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL LOS ANGELES and the incredible work they do.*

*Donations are limited to a maximum of 100% of the product retail price and do not include shipping and handling fees, taxes, or other charges associated with your purchase.